Pros and cons of a mobile home – what should you pay attention to?

You do not need a building permit to build a mobile home. Such a structure is not permanently attached to the land and does not require the submission of a construction design to the authorities, nor the involvement of engineers. All you need to do is to report your intention to the District Office.

You do not need a building permit to build a mobile home. Such a structure is not permanently attached to the land and does not require the submission of a construction design to the authorities, nor the involvement of engineers. All you need to do is to report your intention to the District Office. What’s more, houses on wheels are a very convenient way to spend some time away from the city, where you can be alone with yourself, your loved ones or work in peace. However, these are not all the advantages of this solution, and it has a few downsides. Do you want to know them? Learn the pros and cons of mobile homes.

What to keep in mind before buying a mobile home

Often mobile homes are mistakenly referred to as Dutch cottages. Although their purpose is usually similar and they serve as holiday houses, the way they are built differs. If you are planning to buy such a cottage, there are a few things you need to know about them.

First of all, mobile homes are manufactured based on a metal frame set on wheels. However, the materials used in construction may vary depending on how you intend to use such the home. The least demanding is one where you will only go in the summer. Year-round homes, however, should be properly insulated, and the façade should show increased thermal insulation parameters. Such cottages should also have the ability to install heating, and optimally, they should be equipped with radiators from the start. What is common to both houses used during the warm and cold seasons is certification. All materials used in their construction, should have them. That way you know you are opting for a safe solution.

Downsides of a house on wheels

Mobile homes do not have many drawbacks. The main one is the small area they offer. The maximum is 35 m2. In such a space you won’t fit a separate dining room and several rooms, but you can find room for a separate bedroom, a kitchenette and, of course, a bathroom. Other disadvantages can only be due to the construction materials. However, when deciding on houses from our offer, you do not have to worry about this. When creating Pinehaus mobile homes, we use high-quality raw materials. As a result, we offer you stable, durable and safe structures, so that you get a high level of comfort for leisure or work. And what are the advantages of mobile homes?

Advantages of a mobile home

The main advantage of mobile homes is the fact that you can easily transport them and set them up on a plot located anywhere, without the need for ground preparation. However, that’s not all. Many people choose to buy houses on wheels because:

  • they can be used all year with proper insulation;
  • their construction process is shorter than that of traditional houses;
  • the home space can be arranged in any chosen way.

In addition, the incorporation of high-quality construction materials allows you to use it for many years without the need for repairs. Deciding on such a home from our offer, you have the opportunity to fully furnish it, so it that it can be used immediately after setting it on the plot.

The modern mobile homes we offer have breathtaking designs. Check out our offer and find the perfect one for you.